Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California

Dirección: 1212 S Main St #101, Salinas, CA 93901.
Teléfono: 8314225988.
Página web:
Especialidades: Farmacia.
Otros datos de interés: Pequeñas empresas, Entrega a domicilio, Retiro en tienda, Entrega el mismo día, Entrada accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Estacionamiento accesible para personas en silla de ruedas, Visita rápida, Pagos con dispositivos móviles mediante NFC, Tarjetas de crédito, Tarjetas de débito, Tarjetas de crédito.
Opiniones: Esta empresa tiene 48 valoraciones según Google My Business.
Opinión media: 4.6/5.

Ubicación de Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy 1212 S Main St #101, Salinas, CA 93901

Horario de Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy

  • Lunes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Martes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Miércoles: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Jueves: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Viernes: 8 a.m.–6 p.m.
  • Sábado: 9 a.m.–1 p.m.
  • Domingo: Cerrado

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy es una farmacia local que se encuentra ubicada en el corazón de Salinas, California. Con una dirección conveniente en 1212 S Main St #101, Salinas, CA 93901, esta farmacia es fácilmente accesible para los residentes locales y aquellos que pasan por la zona. El teléfono de contacto es el 8314225988, y su página web es

Una de las principales características de Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy es su enfoque en el servicio al cliente personalizado. A diferencia de las cadenas de farmacias masivas, esta farmacia se enorgullece de conocer a sus clientes por su nombre y ofrecer un servicio individualizado y atento. Además, ofrecen una variedad de servicios convenientes, como entrega a domicilio, recogida en tienda, entrega el mismo día y entrada accesible para sillas de ruedas.

El estacionamiento también es accesible para sillas de ruedas, y la farmacia ofrece una visita rápida y opciones de pago flexibles, incluyendo pagos con dispositivos móviles mediante NFC, tarjetas de crédito, débito y crédito.

En cuanto a su especialidad, Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy se centra en proporcionar servicios farmacéuticos de alta calidad. Su equipo de farmacéuticos está capacitado para brindar asesoramiento experto sobre medicamentos y salud, y trabajan en estrecha colaboración con los proveedores de atención médica para garantizar que los pacientes reciban la atención que necesitan.

La farmacia también ha recibido excelentes reseñas de los clientes, con una calificación promedio de 4.6/5 según 48 reseñas en Google My Business. Los clientes han elogiado la amabilidad del personal, la conveniencia de los servicios y la calidad de la atención recibida.

Opiniones de Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
Mary Davalos

Excelente servicio

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
Liam Barnard

The pharmacists themselves are the best I've ever interacted with; the only reason my rating is not 5 stars is the other staff. They just seem to want to get done with you and move on to the next customer, both on the phone and in-person.

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California

I love the fact that it’s a family own business! I always see the husband Mr Sherman & he’s always greeting us with a smile! I like the fact they acknowledge me and always calls me by my last name! It feels good when you have been a customer for awhile and they remember your face!
The employees who’s helped me in the past have been kind, there’s only been 1 incident that really bothered me some I called a refill in they said it would be ready and when I called back asking if it was ready it wasn’t there anymore they didn’t have it? witch was a bummer cause I’m diabetic type 1 insulin dependent so I really needed that medicine and all the employee told me was “ we don’t have it u have to call another pharmacy “ but where’s the care for your customers? You would think he would’ve been more empathetic or could’ve been a bit more helpful especially the way I was feeling you could hear it in my voice thankfully I got ahold of another pharmacy and they called it in & I got it situated but besides that if your looking for a small pharmacy family owned! This is the one I would recommend it.

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
Julie Bradley

Best local and family run business/pharmacy out there. Wonderful staff who are friendly and professional! Never had an issue with our prescriptions or refills! Love seeing the pharmacists Golden Retrievers, too! Such sweet dogs ❤️.

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
Lacey Holt

I spent half the day at CVS when I should have just gone to Sherman’s.

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
paul goss

Family owned and operated. Locals. Old time religion practiced here. They know you and provide an extra layer of support and protection as only a neighbor can… great as long as you don’t need a 24 hr pharmacy.

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California
An Mccfee

I get same scripts every month, supposed to be on automatic refills Never, Never can seem to get that right. After 2 weeks calling for same scripts to be delivered, still didn't receive. Husband is nice but wife "Mrs. Sherman!" will argue and doesn't say Sorry for her bad business or and bad social etiquette and Rude, Doesn't care if she loses customers, Very unkind to me. Angelique is Great. Kevin will leave you on hold for 20 minutes. Mrs, Sherman should at least apologize for problems they have caused me and wasting my time having to call 10 times them to make sure they do their job! Ugh!

Sherman's Apothecary Pharmacy - Salinas, California

There's never been in issue with Sherman pharmacy, their very efficient in getting your rx to you in a quick timely fashion. They get details handled. Their clients are first n foremost priority. Open on weekends.
